Guard rails Installation Shreveport

Fence Company Shreveport

The right type of fences can vary depending on your needs, preferences, and even the setting of your property. The most common reason why people choose to install fences is mainly for privacy and security. For properties in certain locations, special types of fences may be needed for safety reasons. This is particularly important for properties near roads.

Guard rails are often installed in properties that are need the side of the roads. In this way, there is an added layer of protection in case of any accidents. If the highway is busy, fast-moving vehicles are prone to skidding on slippery roads and may veer towards nearby property. Guard rails protect owners from accidents like these. This is useful for both residential properties near the roads, as well as commercial developments.

At Shreveport Fence Company, we offer three different variants of high-quality guard rails. This include wood guard rails, steel guard rails, and three-strand cable rails. For your information, we have provided brief descriptions for each.

Wood guard rails
These are the most basic of the three types. The word material we use can reasonably stop fast-moving vehicles. However, this is not ideal for long-term use since it tends to get damaged after accidents.

Three-strand cable
This type is ideal for homeowners with a limited budget. However, it gives less protection that the wood type. If you are living near a busy highway, you might want to consider either wood or steel types.

Steel guard rails
This is the best choice for guard rails. Steel is a very durable material. Therefore, it can provide you maximum protection from any road accident. This is common for commercial buildings but can also be installed around houses near roads.

For your guard rail needs in the Shreveport area, call us today at 318-392-9396.

Fencing Shreveport